Service dogs provide a sense of reassurance, ease disability-related symptoms, and offer companionship like no other. Many people with disabilities find significant therapeutic relief with the help of a service dog, and that includes individuals with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).
If you’re considering getting a service dog to help you better manage your ADHD symptoms, you’re likely wondering what the process involves, how exactly a service dog can assist you, and what legal rights these working dogs receive. We’ll cover all this and more below.
What Is an ADHD Service Dog?
A service dog is a type of working animal that has been specially trained to perform at least one task that eases the symptom(s) of a disability.
The exact tasks a service dog is taught can vary drastically as it depends on their handler’s specific needs. For example, if the service dog’s handler suffers from an anxiety disorder, they may be trained to detect panic attacks and administer deep pressure therapy. In comparison, if the handler has mobility issues, they may instead be taught tasks such as balance assistance and wheelchair pulling.
Service dogs can help with a whole range of disabilities, from mental and emotional disorders to physical disabilities like deafness and, of course, developmental disorders like ADHD.
Service Dog Legal Protections
Service dogs are recognized as disability assistance aids in virtually all federal laws. For this reason, they are granted various legal rights to ensure they can always perform their trained tasks easily (no matter where they are). Some of the legal protections service dogs receive include:
- The right to live with their owners in rented properties that usually don’t allow pets. Also exempt from pet-related fees like pet rent or pet security deposits. (per the Fair Housing Act)
- The right to travel on planes without being subjected to standard pet fees and regulations. (per the Air Carriers Access Act)
- Reasonable accommodations within the workplace (as per the Americans with Disabilities Act)
- Public access rights, including access to areas, facilities, and buildings where pets are typically banned (as per the Americans with Disabilities Act)
Some states also grant additional protections, such as extending these rights to service dogs in training. You should familiarize yourself with your state’s service dog laws if you are considering getting one to help you manage your ADHD.
What Is ADHD?
ADHD is a developmental condition that affects an individual’s ability to concentrate and/or self-regulate behaviors. Many people with ADHD also struggle with hyperactivity and exhibit restless behavior, such as fidgeting and an inability to sit still.
The symptoms of ADHD can cause significant distress, but appropriate support can allow people to better manage their symptoms. While the likes of stimulant medication and therapy are effective measures, a service dog can also help by performing trained tasks.
How Can a Service Dog Help with ADHD?
A service dog can help those with ADHD in several ways, from easing feelings of anxiety to helping them maintain a consistent schedule and stay focused on the task at hand. Some tasks an ADHD service dog may perform include:
- Medication retrieval: The service dog will bring their handler medication at set times, ensuring the individual keeps to a specific schedule and doesn’t miss dosages.
- Alert: The service dog will bark (or alert in another way) to redirect their handler’s attention back to the task. They may also remind their handler to carry out routine tasks like preparing dinner or going to work.
- Lead you to a quiet area: If the handler feels overwhelmed by the environment around them, a service dog can detect this and gently guide them to a quieter area where they calm down.
- Grounding techniques: A service dog can help keep its handler grounded when they feel overwhelmed by nudging them, redirecting their attention, or licking them.
- Deep pressure therapy: The service dog can strategically place their body weight and warmth onto their handler to provide a calming effect and help ease feelings of anxiety, stress, and panic.
Many breeds can be trained to perform these tasks, patient, gentle dogs like golden retrievers are common picks. Once you select the breed you want for your service dog, you’ll want to look up care and feeding guides, like this, to make sure you keep your companion healthy and able to help you.
How to Get an ADHD Service Dog
Anyone who has been officially diagnosed with ADHD can qualify for a service dog in Virginia, provided they have undergone an assessment with a licensed healthcare provider and their disability significantly impacts at least one major aspect of their life.
You can obtain an ADHD service dog through a charity or private organization or by training a dog yourself. Each approach comes with its fair share of pros and cons.
For example, charities usually cover a majority of the expenses and do most of the training for you, but they typically have strict application processes and long wait times. Private service dog training companies will be able to provide service dogs at a much faster rate, but they are often extremely expensive.
Training a service dog yourself does involve more effort and time on your part, but it is the most affordable approach and will allow you to bond with your pup. You don’t have to go through the process alone either; there are plenty of affordable online courses that can help teach you the basics of service dog work.